Want to LOVE Meditation? Use This Technique To Treat Your Mind Like a Cute Puppy.

Have you ever had the privilege to spend some time with a puppy?

They are lovely. And they are all over the place.

Puppies are interested in looking everywhere, sniffing everything and almost constantly moving around.

You don’t blame them for it.

You don’t hate them for it.

In fact, you love them for what they are - cute puppies that can’t easily focus on one thing.

I’ve got news for you - your mind is like that puppy.

Your mind is all over the place. Interested in almost anything but the present moment.

A powerful way to relate to your mind is to treat it like you would a puppy. 

Give your mind lots of love and care.

Be very understanding when your mind wanders.

And treat your mind to the pleasant experience of being kind to your body and breath.

There’s a lot more to it - and you can find out by having a little listen to this week’s free guided meditation. Enjoy and please share with your friends too - we rely on your help to spread the word!

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