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How A Group Program Can Help You Publish Your Own Mindful Book

I’ve always wanted to offer a program to help people to publish their own books. But I didn’t offer such a program for years. Why? A combination of fear, avoidance, thinking I’m not good enough and my old friend, procrastination.

After several years of this project itching on the back of my mind, I came across a group mastermind program that helped people like me to work on my own project. I decided enough is enough and signed up.

As I started going through the program and listening to the other members, my vague idea started to form. I began breaking down this book publishing support program into smaller steps. Having conversations with my peers, I was encouraged to take action.

I still had my fears, but there was lots of hope to counteract that. And I was clearer about the benefits of embracing those fears and taking action. Over the course of several months, I finally turned my idea into action - the mastermind program had done its magic!

So when I began designing a program to help people to publish their mindful books, rather than just working one to one, I decided to make it into a group mastermind experience. So others could benefit from I’d found helpful.

The program would offer three key things, that both helped me and new mindful authors:

  • Structure - You need to have a structure when working on something as big as a book. Where do you start? What should you do first? How do you overcome the common barriers that come up? What’s the best topic to write about that is both meaningful for you and meeting a need in society? And how on earth do you publish a book anyway? A mastermind program and this publishing program gives you structure in your life. You have a start date and a finish date to get your book done. Within those two boundaries, you learn to break down your big goal into smaller chunks. And each big project of your book will be broken into what you’ll work on each month, then each week, and finally your daily writing routine.

  • Accountability - The program helps you to go from idea to complete your book. I’m a big fan of ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training. The research has found, as I’m sure you know intuitively, that committing to doing what’s deeply important to you is what makes life meaningful. The program offers that commitment. How? Though setting milestones, checking in points with the editor, myself, and your peers on the program too. We also offer a daily space on Zoom to work on ‘writing sprints’ and share your progress with each other.

  • Feedback - You can have all the training and commitment in the world, but you will need help deciding what style of book to put together, what your table of contents lacks, and how you can improve your work. One-to-one calls with me and ongoing support on your writing from our editor help to ensure you get the feedback you need. We also show you how to get feedback from your readers too.

With these aspects, you can turn your idea into a fully published book in less than a year. If you write every day, and commit to taking action every day as we recommend, it will be done.

If you’d like to publish your own mindful book, join our program starting in early May 2022.

Sign up for our Live Webclass to find out more here.