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Episode 3 - Call to Adventure: the opportunity of life’s challenges

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About this Episode

Shamash and Calvin accept the Call to Adventure, discussing the next leg of the Hero's Journey and how it relates to films we already know.

In this episode:

  • Therapist Mari Williams recounts her childhood call to adventure and the decisions her early family life presented her with in adulthood.

  • Social entrepreneur Kush Kanodia talks openly about his disability, and how humbling a painful struggle can be.

  • Dr Mehwish Sharif discusses uncertainty, and the challenges she faced following the birth of her son.

  • Dr Wendy Molefi reminds us that our instinctive response to flee is designed to keep us safe, but it can lead to difficulty accepting hard challenges.

  • Dr Vikki Barnes describes the human negativity bias, and how facing adversity can help build tribes founded on empathy.

Make sure to join us next time, when we talk about the Refusal of the Call.

Mindful Conversations is hosted by mindfulness teacher Shamash Alidina and mindful storyteller Calvin Niles.