Try This New Ripple of Gratitude Practice To Improve Your Wellbeing and Mental Health Today

Gratitude is a simple focus on what’s going right for you.

Why is this important?

Our minds are like judgement machines. They are always looking to judge everything around us. This room isn’t tidy enough. This country isn’t organised enough. This company isn’t efficient enough. 

Our minds are like judgement machines.

And this inner judgement machine turns on itself. I’m too fat, too thin, too silly, too stupid, too smart, too good, too bad, too nice, too kind, too unkind and so on.

If you believe these judgments to be true, it can impact your mental health. So what’s the solution?

One popular approach to give some relief on this incessant judgmental chatter is to practice gratitude.

There are many ways to do this. One simple way is to think of one thing in your life that you’re grateful for as your head hits your pillow. That’s a nice, easy one to do daily.

A new approach I’ve created is called ‘The ripple of gratitude’. It can take a few minutes up to 30 minutes. Excellent one to do once a week or once a month. 

Try this:

  1. Think of someone or something you’re easily grateful for. Spend a few moments thinking of why you’re grateful for them or it.

  2. Now think of any friends or family members that you’re grateful for. And think about why that is.

  3. Now continue this practice. Expand to think why you’re grateful for:

    a) Your neighbourhood

    b) Your village/town or city

    c) Your country

    d) The planet - mother Earth itself

  4. Then zoom back into yourself and think about your own body and mind and what you’re grateful for about yourself

This can give you a sense of cultivating a ripple of gratitude that starts small and just keeps expanding.

Want to listen to a guided 30 minute version of this? Listen to this recording from our Daily Mindfulness Club Community.

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