Mindfulness and the Hero's Journey

In many stories old and new, the Hero's Journey, is a model that involves a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. Everything from Harry Potter, the Matrix, the Lord of the Rings as well as ancient stories often follow this pattern. But why? And how is it relevant to our lives?

Perhaps because we all go on this journey internally, or spiritually, in our lives. We face challenges in life, they question if we can get through the difficulty, and when we do get through them, we are changed in some way. We have a different way of understanding who we are and what we are capable of achieving.

Mindfulness (and ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Training - particular) offer essential skills to help us navigate these challenges. Without the skills of presence, acceptance, a flexible sense of self, clarity about our values and committed action, we struggle. Whether you’re facing a loss in your life, or perhaps a strong emotion within you, how you meet that challenge makes a difference.

Find out more about these ideas in our now complete 12 episode podcast series, and/or simply attend our upcoming interactive workshop! We then get to meet, live. Use the code SANewsletter to save 10% this week on the workshop. Don’t miss this if mindfulness or ACT interests you.