How to Powerfully Use Kindness in an Unusual Way to Deepen Your Mindfulness

Who are the type of people you like spending time with? And why?

I’m guessing, beyond all the other aspects you enjoy, it’s people that are kind.

In fact, the word kind comes from the word ‘kin’, which originates to mean family. You’ve heard of the sentence ‘next of kin’ for example. To be kind means to be like family.

So we are attracted to kindness. We are social beings and kindness gives us a sense of safety and peace of mind.

Experiments by child psychologists on babies find that they are attracted to puppets that are kind. Being attracted to kindness seems to be wired into our hearts and brains.

But when we think of kindness, we think about being kind to others and others being kind to us.

But did you know you can also foster a sense of kindness to the present moment?

In today’s meditation that I’m sharing with you, you’ll have time and space to practice just that, using my guidance. As usual, this meditation is taken from our Daily Mindfulness Club.

It includes a special 1% technique to be able to cultivate kindness even when you don’t feel like it. Listen in to find out! :)

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