60-Second Self-Care: 10 Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness and Compassion

Welcome to our guide on 10 quick and easy ways to be mindful and self-compassionate!

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Do you wish you had more time to practice mindfulness and self-care, but just can't seem to fit it into your busy schedule? Well, don't worry – we've got you covered.

In this post, we'll share 10 simple ways you can bring a little more mindfulness and self-compassion into your life in less than 60 seconds. So grab a comfy seat, take a deep breath, and let's get started on our journey to inner peace and calm!

  1. Take a slow breath. When we're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, taking a slow breath in and out can help us calm down and refocus. Advanced tip - it doesn’t have to be a deep breath. The key is slowing down the outbreath.

  2. Practice gratitude. Think of one thing you're grateful for in this moment. It can be as simple as a warm cup of coffee or the sun shining through the window.

  3. Treat yourself with kindness. We all make mistakes, so be gentle with yourself. Try walking slowly, massaging your hands or head, or smiling to yourself.

  4. Compliment yourself. We're often our own worst critics, so take a moment to acknowledge something you did well today.

  5. Give yourself permission to slow down. It's okay to take a break and do something that brings you joy, even if it’s for just a minute.

  6. Imagine giving comfort to a loved one. How would you comfort a friend or family member who was going through a difficult time? Use that same compassion for yourself.

  7. Do a stretch. Moving your body can help reduce stress and boost your mood. Even for 10 seconds helps!

  8. Write down your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, getting our emotions out on paper can help us make sense of them. Mindful journaling is powerful, even if for just a minute.

  9. Practice self-care. Light a candle, have a glass of water, or do something else that nourishes your body and soul.

  10. Remember that you are not alone. We all have moments of struggle, and it's okay to reach out for support when you need it. Send a little text or WhatsApp to a kindful friend can make all the difference.

But why do small actions rather than big steps make a difference?

Small actions of self-care can be more effective than big steps because they are easier to fit into our daily routines, help us to feel a sense of accomplishment and progress, and are more flexible and adaptable.

Small actions of self-care can help us to feel more balanced, energized, and resilient, and can enable us to create positive, lasting change in our lives.